Next Level Psychological Services

Provides evidence-based care for wellness for all of life’s stages- on and off the court.

We are pleased to provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for clinical mental health treatment as well as evidence-based sport psychology tools for performing at your best.

Clinical Services

Clinical Services start with a free 15-minute consultation. After that, Dr. Boswell conducts an 80-minute psychodiagnostic assessment to identify any diagnoses that may aid in treatment development. Next, individual sessions are conducted targeting the agreed-upon problem with an evidence-based treatment. Clinical services are aimed at issues that impair a person’s ability to function in the world. Common clinical targets for treatment include anxiety, mood disorders/depression, OCD, trauma, Autism Spectrum issues, ADHD, and other behavioral problems.

Sports Psychology Services

Sports psychology services include skills-based tools to combat common issues that impede performance. Sports psychology blends strategies from therapy and research on brain-body science to cater to issues such as performance anxiety, stage fright, burnout, recovery from injury (and return to sport), team communication and team management among other issues that can arise under high-pressure situations. Sports psychology is also useful for test taking, performing arts, and executive success. Sports psychology is also helpful for coaches, staff, administrators and organizations to create healthy organizational cultures that promote high performance and wellness.